Signs, images and anything visually seen are characteristics that convey an underlying powerful message. The reason why the message can be so powerful is since the audience can decide and challenge their interpretation of what message is being delivered based on their own beliefs, interests and experiences. The study of signs is based off on the idea of semiotics. Semiotics branch up into two sections with the first one being denotations and the second being connotation. Denotation is described as what is literally presented on what you see whereas connotation is the interpretation of the image, it is what you ask yourself when you look at something.

In today’s society, company advertise their new ideas to certain lengths in order to capture the audience’s attention. They would go as far to advertise based on the concept of ‘sex sells’. This idea leaves a negative impact especially on women as it objectifies, sexualises and stereotypes their role as one.

Burger King released this advertisement in 2009 for their new product, the ‘BK Super Seven Incher’. It was released in Singapore, which I found very surprising as I originally thought it was released in America instead.

When I first received this image in class, I wasn’t ready and prepared with what I was looking at. At first glance, I was instantly engaged with the large, bold white words ‘It’ll blow your mind away’ and then l moved my eyes above to see a young woman with her mouth open about to devour burger. From my perspective, it seemed that she seemed eager to get this delicious meal. However, it wasn’t until my discussion with my partner that she pointed out the clear flaws presented.

This advertisement has created much controversy based on the concept it is suggesting. The entirety of the advertisement highly suggests sexual connotations, especially oral sex. It is shown through the pose of the woman, having her eyes and mouth wide open, ready to eat the ‘super seven incher’. The tagline, directly below the image in white, bold full caps supports this idea, especially with the use of the word blow which really indicates what’s being implied included Burger King’s slogan ‘It just tastes better’. Furthermore, the name of the product adds an element to the controversy. The use of description from ‘fill your desire’ for something ‘long, juicy’, ‘yearn for more’ the ‘mind-blowing burger’ implies that just from eating this burger would it allow the eater to experience the pleasure from eating the burgers as they would from a sexual act.

The question we need to ask ourselves is, why are these sexual innuendos being used in this product advertisement? They have no relevance with it each other whatsoever. What makes this ad more controversial is the fact that the model had no idea that she was going to be used. She released a YouTube video which expresses her disgust at the use of her face being used in such a scenario.

This advertising campaign is an example that shows how it challenges the audience to see what is being denoted and in what ways can we interpret it to be. What is important is our own interpretations as it’s based on our personal framework of beliefs and ideas that allows the challenge to be more interesting as you might not have the same connotation as someone else.


  1. https://nataliecupac.wordpress.com/2014/03/21/burger-kings-super-seven-incher-itll-blow-your-mind-away-this-ad-definitely-does-but-for-all-the-wrong-reasons/
  2. http://visual-memory.co.uk/daniel/Documents/S4B/sem01.html


Author: miriamtran

Communication and Media Student

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